
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.. wew,, 2012 has been coming and this is my first post... hahaha (i know it's late, anyway) on this month, I 've done the important thing in my life.... FOR THE FIRST TIME, I GAVE SOMEONE AN INTRACUTAN INJECTION was that great??? I did it FYI, I'm just freshman.. first year student of college and trust me, there's no any med-school that give a curriculum about injection in first semester!!! but, i did it :) so, how can i get that knowledge?? because i join to the college extracurricular called FIKRI ASY-SYURA (FORUM MAHASISWA KEDOKTERAN ISLAM ASY-SYURA) on this organization, many kinds of activities and knowledge that can we get,, and one of the department is BIRO SMS (Biro social management skill) which have section called GMS (general medical science) *such complicated, huh? just forget it,, the point is....................i get much knowledge about how to give an intracutan, subcutan, intramuscular...