Smoker, if you don't love yourself, please don't ruin my life!

Ok, kali ini gue mo ngebahas tentang hal-hal yg gue ga suka, salah satunya (berarti banyak dong) adalah asap (terutama asap rokok). Don't you dumb smokers know that smoking kills people?. Smoking kills lots of people. It's probably already killed you, but you don't know it yet. God, I am so pissed! We live in a healthy, productive society and you putting your smoke through our windows and in our vents and just making this world a dirty, unattractive place. huuufffttt, *kebawa emosi* Have you considered the health harms?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! *udaaah faaan..* Or what about the environment? Everyday we pollute our Earth slowly killing it with carbon, waste, landfills, water pollution and you still adding it with your smoke???? why don’t you just go kill yourself, and help the planet by dying!!!!!! *WOY..SABAR FAN* Ga kok, gue ga marah. beneran ..*ngasah pisau* Serius deh,lucu aja gitu. Dah jelas rokok banyak mudharatnya daripada manfaatnya. masih juga...