
Showing posts from 2012

Debate competition

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.. Today, so many unpredictable things comes up and I never dream it will be happened. Yesterday, I and my partner, mutiara denairi was surrender with our result. We were very tired and dissapointed with the result in second round debate. Ok, I'll tell you what happen. Yesterday, October, 29th 2012...I and Tiara (as a team) were following the match, debate competition. There are three rounds we have to face, in order to qualify for the semifinals and from each round we get the point that can consider the team are they qualify to the semifinal or not. First round :  The motion is ; This house should ban the

one moment

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.. Sebelumnya selamat idul fitri 1433 H   yaaaayyy!! Minal aidin walfaidzin maaf lahir batin ya guys n girls Waaahhh.. masih momen-momen lebaran gini, hati masih pada seger kaaaannnn ^_^ Well, lebaran tahun ini gue dikampung (again and always -_- ) Dimananya ga perlu tau, yg penting banyak orang barat (******** barat)  wahahahahahh Layaknya orang lebaran biasalaaahh silaturahmi kerumah saudara-saudara lah ye ken.. Tapi ada satu hal dari kami2 (cucu2 nya nyik apa n nek ibu) yg mulai dari anak kecil (TK-Hasan n husein-) sampai gede (udah kerja-kak fika-) yg suka ngumpul disawah tiap taun buat mancing, Ya, mancing! Mancing! Sekali lagi ah~ mancing!! Bukan!! Bukan mancing belut! Tapi ikan, jadi ceritanya disawah tu ada kolam (bahasa jermannya ”tabek” ) dan yg punya tabek tu temannya om pi... jadi kami tinggal mancing sesuka hati sebanyak apapun, ga usah ragu apalagi malu, karna ntar yg bayar om pi huahahahahhahahah *kepon...

Smoker, if you don't love yourself, please don't ruin my life!

Ok, kali ini gue mo ngebahas tentang hal-hal yg gue ga suka, salah satunya (berarti banyak dong) adalah asap (terutama asap rokok). Don't you dumb smokers know that smoking kills people?. Smoking kills lots of people. It's probably already killed you, but you don't know it yet. God, I am so pissed! We live in a healthy, productive society and you putting your smoke through our windows and in our vents and just making this world a dirty, unattractive place. huuufffttt, *kebawa emosi* Have you considered the health harms?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  *udaaah faaan..* Or what about the environment? Everyday we pollute our Earth slowly killing it with carbon, waste, landfills, water pollution and you still adding it with your smoke???? why don’t you just go kill yourself, and help the planet by dying!!!!!! *WOY..SABAR FAN* Ga kok, gue ga marah. beneran ..*ngasah pisau* Serius deh,lucu aja gitu. Dah jelas rokok banyak mudharatnya daripada manfaatnya. masih juga...

Unique moment

Assalamualaikum ^^ Hari ini gue iseng ngeliat foto-foto di hp, trus tiba-tiba kebuka foto yang diambil waktu tgl 12 April jam... eemmmhh.. mungkin 1 atau 2 malam. Jadi ceritanya gini.. inget ga sih yg berita gempa di Aceh? yg tanggal 11 April? kekuatan 8,5 SR sekitar jam 15.38??? nah, udah inget kan.. waktu kejadian itu, kami lagi praktikum anatomi di laboratorium kampus tercinta.. gue yang lagi asik-asik serius ngebahas tentang os femur, os tibia, os fibula tiba-tiba buyar dan pecah konsentrasi karna temen2 yg lain pada berhamburan keluar lab. Spontan aja karena orang pada lari, ya gue ikutan lari dong... masak mo tinggal berdua ama cadaver????? hiiiii *merinding* Pas udah di luar ruangan, baru deh kerasa ini tanah kok bergelombang gitu ya.. hhmm... berasa kayak lagi berdiri diatas kapal. Malahan temen cewek ada yg nangis. Ternyata lagi GEMPA !! oh tuhaaaann,, Ya Allah.. panik..panikk..panikk.. cuma itu yg gue rasain saat itu. mana gempa nya cukup lama pulak. Gue doa2 aja d...


Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.. wew,, 2012 has been coming and this is my first post... hahaha (i know it's late, anyway) on this month, I 've done the important thing in my life.... FOR THE FIRST TIME, I GAVE SOMEONE AN INTRACUTAN INJECTION was that great??? I did it FYI, I'm just freshman.. first year student of college and trust me, there's no any med-school that give a curriculum about injection in first semester!!! but, i did it :) so, how can i get that knowledge?? because i join to the college extracurricular called FIKRI ASY-SYURA (FORUM MAHASISWA KEDOKTERAN ISLAM ASY-SYURA) on this organization, many kinds of activities and knowledge that can we get,, and one of the department is BIRO SMS (Biro social management skill) which have section called GMS (general medical science) *such complicated, huh? just forget it,, the point is....................i get much knowledge about how to give an intracutan, subcutan, intramuscular...