Debate competition

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb..

Today, so many unpredictable things comes up and I never dream it will be happened. Yesterday, I and my partner, mutiara denairi was surrender with our result. We were very tired and dissapointed with the result in second round debate. Ok, I'll tell you what happen.
Yesterday, October, 29th 2012...I and Tiara (as a team) were following the match, debate competition.
There are three rounds we have to face, in order to qualify for the semifinals and from each round we get the point that can consider the team are they qualify to the semifinal or not.

First round : 
The motion is ; This house should ban the
wearing of fur.
The debate format was chosen with a random way.  My team was representing as Opening opposition. I act as Leader the Opposition and Tiara as Deputy leader of the Opposition.

Second round :
The motion is ; This house believes the environment must come first.
My team was representing as Opening Government. I as Prime Minister and Tiara as Deputy Prime Minister. This second round was the Hottest debate I've ever felt. So many POI (Point of Information) and strong argument that we faced, but I can rebut all their statements and answer all their rebut either. We were too optimist and very sure that we can get the highest point.Because of that, maybe I become arrogant. But, Allah swt wants us to open our eyes so as not to be arrogant. You know what, we get the LOWEST mark on the second round!

Third round :
The motion is ; This house would ban fatty food in schools.
We were Opening Opposition. I as Leader the Opposition and Tiara as Deputy leader of the Opposition.
I and Tiara present the argument and doing the debate with half-hearted. We were disappointed and angry with the last mark (on second round) , and not believe with the result before. Honestly, I don't hope to get in the semifinal anymore. (because I was angry get the lowest point although I've done my best!). So, as your predicted, on this third round, we just gave general argument and started to not focus.

so... the debate is over...
I went to dilla's home to relief my anger, cooling my head, and forget about the lowest point.

Today, October 30th 2012...
I go to the campus, enter the room, studying biochemistry, listen the lecturer..
after that, we (finalist) gathering to listen who are will going to semi final.
finally, I get to semifinal, final, and alhamdulillah get the first place :D

nb: this article was made on October 30th 2012.


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