
The walls of hospitals have heard more prayers than the wall of churches or mosques. 

Suatu waktu ada sekumpulan keluarga pasien berkumpul sambil berdoa dan bernyanyi untuk kesembuhan si pasien.

Suatu waktu ada sekumpulan keluarga pasien berkumpul sambil berdo'a dan membaca alqur'an di samping sang pasien.

Mereka semua berdiri sambil menggenggam tangan dan menutup mata.

Mereka semua duduk sambil menunduk. Membaca qur'an dan berdo'a.


One of my some tattoos on his body..crying like a baby..calling the name of God.

I miss my granpa. He never missed his prayer, even when he was sick. Hope u're doing well there, daddy of my mom. I miss u so much.
I still remember when I slept beside u that night, holding my tears all night because your sound of breathing makes my heart break.
Now u are free of pain. Alhamdulillah.
Have u ever meet my first nephew there? Send my kisses and hugs to him :")


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