The Existence of Ghost

Well, sebenarnya ni dialogue drama english class waktu kelas XI...
Tapi drpada ntar karatan di kompii (lebay), mending gue post k blog ja deh..
semoga terhibur :)

The Existence of Ghost

In an old building, there were some people who are doing try courage in MTV Insomnia show. They were Participant, Shaman and Host. Tarmik a participant was looking at location. The show was begin and the Host opened the show.

Host : Good night MTV maniac, welcome back again with me in MTV insomnia Courage show. Now, i’m accompanied by one participant. She is Tarmik, a female university student that have been 8 years not graduate yet. And also we always with Madam sehari sebulan and setahun. Madam, How is the atmosphere of this old building?

Madam: Hhhhmmm,,, wait a second... i’ll try to read the atmosphere of this old building.

Host : Madam sehari is musing guys. So, let’s see !

(an hour later)

Host : Madam !!! madam!! (Host shook Madam’s body)

Madam: Ohh,, sorry-sorry. The atmosphere here is good enough. But you must beware !!!
(face to face with Tarmik)

Host : Allright, Tarmik are you ready???

Tarmik: Yeah... I’m ready. I can do i it !! (to the camera)

Host and Shaman left the location. Suddenly appeared 3 ghosts that is chatting

Pocong: Guys, look at that!! We have the guest !

Kunti : Why that stupid human come to our place?! And with the camera??!!

Sundel: Yeahh!! Camera!! Hei kunti, don’t you ever say to me that you wanna be an actress?

Kunti : Yess!! You right !! Come on ! Let’s disturb that human!!

Three of them was disturbing Tarmik. And Tarmik felt uncomfortable.


In another place, Host and Shaman did’nt know that Tarmik was already give up. Suddenly appeared something that unknown.

Kolor ijo : Hei you!!!! Don’t disturb her !!!

Pocong : What the hell with you???!!!!!

Sundel : Hei!! You are petty !!! Just say you also want to disturb this stupid human !!!

Kunti : Let’s go guys!! I feel bad to near with him. Disgusting!! Didn’t you take a bath???!!

Tarmik : Oh... Thanks a lot to safe my life.

Kolor ijo : Ahh... it’s ok! I just can’t stay calm if I see people need my help.

Tarmik : You are really my hero.....

In another place, Host and Shaman were realize that the time to try courage was finish and they went to the location.

Madam : Astagfirullah alaziiimm..... Hei devil ! GO AWAY !!

Tarmik : No!! He is my friend !

(The Shaman sprayed water to ijo’s face. The Host pulled Tarmik’s hand. The Shaman and Kolor ijo leave both.)

Kolor ijo : (smiling to Madam) Hi....

Madam : Aaaaaahhhhhh..... (Yelling and running)


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