You're picky? So what?

Don't lower your standards but know you're Not Perfect, Either Some people just don't deserve you, but don't push the one who does away.
People should hold high standards when looking into partners because you should know what you want and how much you value. At times we all get desperate because it seems like we're the only one alone, and we start questioning our worth, and if our standards are not really realistic. I mean sometimes, it might not be if you are looking for Prince Harry from Snow White, which I'm sure most girls thought about it at least once around age eight. Don't lower your standards and your worth just to fit in with everyone else, but you are also not perfect because no one is perfect.
Most people have the "type" of people they are attracted to. They know exactly what they want and they go after it. Yes, someone, who fits under that "type" you might be more gravitate towards, and without you knowing it, you probably are already spending too much time thinking about them. Just because they are the ideal "type" of your image, doesn't mean they are always right for you. You shouldn't lower your standards for someone who doesn't deserve them because you need to always remember how much you are worth, and someone better will come along. On the other hand, sometimes people will come just the perfect time in your life, and they might not necessarily be your "type". At all. But that doesn't mean you should push them away. There might be a couple things you don't like about a person, but remember that you are not perfect either. At the end of the day, nobody is perfect. And that is okay.
People have this ideal image of what kind of people they like, but you never know what is going to happen, and you might not always get what you want because sometimes you might something else that is better without you even knowing it. You shouldn't lower your standard just to fit in the society of what everyone else is doing in college if you truly don't feel good about it. But also remember that you are not perfect either, and people who can oversee that are the one that deserves to stay in your ideal image.

-Nadia Tsao
............................................................................... of my girls sent those writes to our group chat and pointed at my nose to lower my standards.

Thanks but I'm ok and positively believe that my future soulmate will understand why I'm so picky 😅😅😅😅

Uh oh.. saya juga pernah dikirimi tulisan dari milis (mailing list) tentang perlunya bersifat picky. Yah..walau kadang agak melenceng sedikit dgn ideologi saya 😂😂

Happy weekend!


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